January 29, 2025
Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy
Minister of Finance
Frost Building S, 7 Queens’ Park Cres.
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1
Dear Minister,
Funding the Sheppard Subway Extension
We are writing to you on behalf of five Residents’ Associations representing communities in north Scarborough and northeastern North York to request your direct and active intervention in funding and expediting the planning, design and construction of the Sheppard Subway Extension. Since 2018, you and your government repeatedly announced your intentions to build this much needed infrastructure yet little demonstrable progress has been made during the 6 years you have been in power. We implore you to more clearly advance this project starting with dedicated funding in this year’s Provincial Budget.

Since asking Metrolinx to conduct an Initial Business Case in the Spring of 2023, that early-stage work has still not been completed and there is no funding or timeline committed by your government beyond this initial, exploratory stage – one that will simply confirm that this extension is badly needed from whatever lens one wants to apply to it – economic, social, environmental etc.
In northeastern North York and north Scarborough, tens of thousands of transit-dependent riders in this geographically large and growing contingent of communities are forced to endure long rides in packed buses on congested roads just to get to a far-off subway station at or near the end of a line. As this area grows with tens of thousands of new residential units either recently under construction or approved, the existing mobility options for residents, students and employees are only becoming worse as roads are overcapacity for cars, trucks and buses. The subway extension will serve as a catalyst to convert gridlocked drivers to transit and prompt the construction of new high density residential developments that have been approved that are now on hold due to this deteriorating condition and overall uncertainty. A clear commitment to the subway extension is long overdue, will unlock the construction of thousands of new units and provide relief to a threatened quality of life in an already heavily populated urban area.

We urge you to commit to a timeline and associated funding that clearly demonstrates a real commitment to a project that is badly needed and long overdue – as you and your colleagues have clearly stated https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1186367822111086
We look forward to your response and the actions you take on the campaign trail and in the next Provincial Budget.
Rhoda Potter - President Agincourt Village Community Association
Paula Smith-Nadin – President CD Farquharson Community Association
Denis Lanoue – President Heathwood Ratepayers Association
Susan Wakutz – President Pleasant View Association
Alura Moores – President Scarbrough Rosewood Community Association